SEXUALITY ARTICLES - 13 of April, 2008 |
J. Brendler. – Advisory Committee of SBRASH, Ethical Committee of FLASSES, Advisory Committee of WAS.
Objective: To examine the sexual practices and the knowledge level in regard to sexual arousal in Brazilian women.
Design and method: 726 women responded to www. terapiadosexo . med. br 4 questions about female psychological and physical (lubrication) sexual arousal and 7 questions on the knowledge and practices relative to the clitoris before and during sexual intercourse.
Results: The age mean was 27.5 years old; 72.27% were white; 71.94% worked; 64.81% worked and studied; 48.37% were single with a sexual live; 36.24% were married or were in a committed relationship.
15.80% of them said that between 50% and 70% of the times, 34.12% of them in more than 70% and 24.33% of them in 100% of the times “Got excited and lubricated before intercourse and kept lubricated during intercourse”. 62.78% of them have knowledge that “Some clitoris stimulation helps physical and emotional arousal and use the clitoris before and during intercourse”, and 20.73% of them “Have some knowledge that the clitoris helps lubrication and touch it during foreplay”. 57.26% of the partners “Massage the clitoris before and during penetration”, and 38.06% only do it “Before the coitus”.
Conclusions: Most women reported to be healthy in relation to emotional and physical arousal, during foreplay and the intercourse. Most couples know that the clitoris helps sexual arousal and use it before and during intercourse.
Sexologies (European Journal of Sexology and Sexual Health / Revue Europênne de Sexology et de Santé Sexuelle ), Abstracts of 9th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Roma ( Italy) 13-17 April de 2008. Vol 17, Suppl. 1, S1-S 172, April 2008, page S61.
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