
- Medical Degree from Porto Alegre Federal School of Medicine Foundation (FFFCMPA), 1987.
- Resident Doctor in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Presidente Vargas Hospital (1988-1990).
- Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, certified by the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine (1990) and TEGO (302/1995) – Certified Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
- Licensed to practice sexual therapy by SBRASH (Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality) (1998) and TESH (Certified Specialist on Human Sexuality)/SBRASH and Sexology by AMB/FEBRASGO (Brazilian Association of The Medicine and Brazilian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society).
- Chairperson of the SOGIRGS Centre of Sexology, 1993-2002.
- SBRASH (Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality), Regional Representative, 1997-1998.
- Member of FEBRASGO National Commission on Sexology,
- 1998-2001, 2004-2009, 2009-2011, 2012-2015.
- SBRASH (Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality),
- Vice-President, 1999-2001 and 2001-2003.
- Member of FEBRASGO’s Multidisciplinary Study Group on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, 2001-2004.
- President of SBRASH (Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality), 2003-2005.
- Member of Ethics Committee of FLASSES (Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sexual Education Societies), 2004-2014.
- Member of The Advisory Committee of WAS (World Association for Sexual Health) 2005-2009.
- Chairperson of the 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, September 15-17, 2005, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Member of The Advisory Committee of SBRASH (The Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality) 2005-2007, 2007-2009, 2009- 2011.
- Co-Chairperson of the 12th CLASSES - Latin American Congress on Sexology and Sexual Education, April 2006, in Salvador , Brazil.
- Member of TESH (Certified Specialist on Human Sexuality) / SBRASH Special Commission, 2003- 2009.
- Special editors of RBSH (Brazilian Magazine of Human Sexuality) - Scientific Magazine of SBRASH, 2006-2007.
- Member of the Advisory Committee of SBRASH (The Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality), 2007-2009.
- Member of the Scientific Commission for the XII Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in 2009, Foz do Iguaçu.
- Committee Member of the “Awards SBRASH”, 2009.
- Chairperson of The Ethic Course in CLASSES 2010 ( Latin American Congress of FLASSES), Alicante , Spain.
- Vice-president of SBRASH The Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality): 2010-2013.
- Chair of Scientific Committee in the XIII Brazilian Congress of Human Sexuality, Londrina , Brazil, 2011.
- Chair of Ethical course in XIII Brazilian Congress of Human Sexuality, Londrina , Brazil , 2011.
- Honorary member of CLASSES 2012 ( Latin American Congress of FLASSES), in Medelin ( Colombia).
- Member of the National Commission on Sexology at FEBRASGO (Brazilian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society). Position : General Secretary ( 2012- 2015).
- President of WAS’s Congress ( 21st World Congress for Sexual Health) happened at Porto Alegre, 2013.
- Invited Professor in the discipline of Sexuality of Postgraduate Latu Sensu Course (ABP) in José de Barros Falção Studies Center since 2012.
- President of Advisory Committee of SBRASH (The Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality) 2014-2015.
- Member of AIMS(International Association of Medical Sexology) since 2014.
- Vice-president ( second) of FLASSES (Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sexual Education Societies) 2014-2018.
- Invited Professor of the Specialization Course in Psychiatry (ABP) Cyro Martins Study Center.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Magazine DeSexologia.com (2014-2018).
- Member of Spaninsh / Portuguese Scientific Committee of 22nd WAS’s Congress, 2015.
- Coordinator of FLASSES’s Symposium in WAS’s Congress, Singapore, 2015.
- Member of Latin American Scientific Committee of 18 Congress Latin American of Sexology and Sexual Education ( CLASSES), October 2016, Madrid.
- Member of the Advisory Committee of WAS (World Association for Sexual Health). Position in Financial Committee.
- Invited Professor in the discipline of Sexuality of Postgraduate Latu Sensu Course (ABP) in José de Barros Falção Studies Center.
- Member of AIMS (International Association of Medical Sexology).
- Vice-president ( second) of FLASSES (Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sexual Education Societies).
- Invited Professor of the Specialization Course in Psychiatry (ABP) Cyro Martins Study Center.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Magazine DeSexologia.com
- Coordinator of World Sexual Health Day in Brazil, since 2010.
- In charge of the Website www.terapiadosexo.med.br, which includes 14 areas on sexuality and medicine, such as “Adolescents” (Adolescentes, with 9 subdivisions), “Sexual Rights” (Direitos Sexuais), “Female/Male Sexual Dysfunction” (Disfunções Sexuais Femininas e Disfunções Sexuais Masculinas), “What is Sexual Therapy?” ( O que é Terapia Sexual ?) and “Sexuality –Articles” (Sexualidade - Artigos ).
- Member of SBRASH (The Brazilian Society for Studies on Human Sexuality), FLASSES (Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sexual Education Societies), WAS (Word Association for Sexual Health).
- Member of the following medical societies: AMRIGS (Rio Grande do Sul State Medical Society), SOGIRGS (Rio Grande do Sul State Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society), FEBRASGO (Brazilian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society), SLAMS ( Latin American Society of Sexual Medicine)
- A - Chairperson, for 7 years, of a course of continued education on Human Sexuality for Gynaecologists and Obstetricians, at the SOGIRGS Sexuality Centre. Sessions were held monthly, from March to June and from August to September 1995-2001.
- B - Chairperson of State Events on Human Sexuality
- Updating Course on Human Sexuality at SOGIRGS, May 27-28, 1994, in Porto Alegre.
- Updating Course on Human Sexuality at SOGIRGS, April 24-25, 1998, in Porto Alegre.
- Updating Course on Human Sexuality at SOGIRGS, June 24-25, 200, in Porto Alegre.
- 3rd Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in May 25-27, 2000, in Porto Alegre. The event took place simultaneously in 3 rooms, during 3 days.
- 4th Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in May 24-26, 2001, in Porto Alegre. The event took place simultaneously in 3 rooms, during 3 days.
- 5th Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in June 6-8, 2002, in Porto Alegre. The event took place simultaneously in 3 rooms, during 3 days.
- 6th Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in May 5-7, 2003, in Porto Alegre. The event took place simultaneously in 3 rooms, during 3 days.
- 7th Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in May 13-15, 2004, in Porto Alegre. The event took place simultaneously in 3 rooms, during 3 days.
- C- Chairperson of National Congress on Human Sexuality
- -Chairperson of the 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, September 15-17, 2005, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Articles published on FEBRASGO Journal (circulation 20,000 copies), including: “Sexual and reproductive rights – Women’s rights” and “Multiple aspects of sexual violence”, published respectively on pages 4-5 and 7-8, Year 5, No. 8, 1998.
- Co-author of a “Charter of Ethical Principles on Sexual and Reproductive Rights for the Practice of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians”, issued by the Study Group on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, aimed at making that practice effective. In 2002 and 2005, the charter was published on FEBRASGO’s website.
- From 1994 to 1998, she annually added some topic related to Sexual and Reproductive Rights to SOGIRGS’ Continued Course on Sexology.
- Chairperson of the five 3-day-long state events on Human Sexuality (2000-2004), to which she added the subject of Sexual and Reproductive Rights for 11 times.
- Chairperson of 8 panels on Sexual Violence/ Sexual Abuse or Sexual Orientation.
- Presentation at the 3rd Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human
- Sexuality, on May 25-27, 2000, and publication of the works “Female anorgasmy and sexual violence antecedents” and “Characteristics of 19 victims of sexual violence”.
- Conference on the subject Homosexual couples: sexual dysfunctions and therapy”.
- Guest to the meeting of FLASOG’s Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, on November 21, 2001, in São Paulo, Brazil, as a member of the Study Group on Women Sexual Rights
- Guest to the 7th Interprofessional Forum for Whole Care to Women Victim of Sexual Violence, on November 17-18, 2003, in Recife, Brazil.
- Coordinator within the XII Brazilian Congress of Human Sexuality (SBRASH) Course on Ethics and Sexual Rights, 2009, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
- Chairperson of The Ethic Course in CLASSES 2010 ( Latin American Congress of FLASSES), Alicante , Spain.
- Chair a Course on Ethics in XIII Brazilian Congress of Human Sexuality (SBRASH) and Sexual Rights, 2011, Londrina.
- Coordinator in Brazil of the World Sexual Health Day, since 2010. In the WSHD of last years she had been joined different associations in sexology field in work to promotion Sexual Rights and Sexual Health. WSHD happened in five towns (also are capitals) in last years.
- Charter member of the SOGIRGS Centre for Studies on Child-Juvenile Gynaecology, founded on May 26, 1995, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Chairperson of the 3rd Southern Brazilian Seminar on Human Sexuality , on May 25-27, 2000, in Porto Alegre.
- Chairperson of the 4th Southern Brazilian Seminar on Human Sexuality, on May 24-26, 2001, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Production of 5 “Abstract Books”(Annals) in 5 State meetings (3rd to 7th Rio Grande do Sul State Meetings on Human Sexuality, 2000-2004), in Porto Alegre.
- Production of “Abstract Books”(Annals) of 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, September 15-17, 2005, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Member of the SBRASH Commission in charge of the questions of the First to Fourth Selection for TESH (Certified Specialist on Human Sexuality), 2003 to 2009. In total 4th participation as member of the Title of Specialist in Human Sexuality.
- Encouragement to the publication of studies and the development of new projects in 2005, through awards given during the 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in 2005, in the following award categories: 1- Educational (Doctoral) Thesis; 2- Educational (Master’s) Dissertation; 3- Educational (Graduate-level) Monograph; 4- Sexuality Project on Educational Public Health.
- A - Participation in World Congress of Sexology and Sexual Health (WAS) .
- Chairperson of the Symposium “Reflections about adult sexuality”, within the 15th World Congress of Sexology on June 25, 2001, Paris, France.
- At the Symposium Reflections about adult sexuality” speaker with the communications “How lack of feminine self-identification with ‘the sexual women’ appears in a long-time relationship” and “Female sexuality after and during infidelity”, within the 15th World Congress of Sexology on June 25, 2001, Paris, France. Published by Abstracts book, page 27. 7.
- At the Symposium “The women and their body” speaker with the communication “Feelings in sexually dysfunctional women who are unfaithful”, within the 15th World Congress of Sexology on June 25, 2001, Paris, France. Published by Abstracts book, page 27.
- Invitation for publication, on “SEXOLOGIES” Revue Européenne de Sexologie Médicale/European Journal of Medical Sexology, of full text of presentation at the 15th World Congress, in Paris: “La Sexualité féminine avant et durant l’infidélité”/ Female sexuality before and during infidelity”, Sexologies, October-December 2001, X (38): 10-16.
- Chairperson, at the 16th World Congress of Sexology (March 10-14, 2003) of the Symposium: Sexual Dysfunction: Studies on its magnitude and Management, Havana, Cuba.
- At the 16th World Congress of Sexology, March 10-14, 2003, with the paper “Incidence and profile of couples in which both partners have a sexual dysfunction”, Havana, Cuba. Published by Abstracts Book, page 81.
- At the 16th World Congress of Sexology, March 10-14, 2003, speaker with the paper: “Women with hypoactive sexual desire and their male dysfunctional partners”, Havana, Cuba. Published by Abstracts Book, page 81.
- At 17th World Congress of Sexology, July 10-15, 2005, speaker with the paper: Homoerotic relationship and fantasies: The last 12 months of 80 men, Book of Abstracts of XVII World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Canada, page 253-4 (N° 911.16).
- At 17th World Congress of Sexology, July 10-15, 2005, speaker with the paper: Making time for intimacy, love and sexuality, Book of Abstracts of XVII World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Canada, page 307 (N° 1011.19).
- At 17th World Congress of Sexology, July 10-15, 2005, speaker with the paper: “Sexual Menu”: A new treatment based on “thinking about sex”, for women with (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder) HSDD, Book of Abstracts of XVII World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Canada, page 49 (N° 311.9).
- At 17th World Congress of Sexology, July 10-15, 2005, with the paper: New etiological factor for hypoactive sexual desire disorder, Book of Abstracts of XVII World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Canada, page 41 (N° 311.13).
- At 18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, April 15-19, 2007,speaker with paper: Relationships and Homoerotic fantasies: the last year of 110 women, Book of Abstracts of 18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia, page 132 ( OP4-1).
- At 18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, April 15-19, 2007, with paper: The Fast Era, love relationships, and sexuality, Book of Abstracts of 18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia, page 181( OP11-12).
- Chairperson of the Symposium “ Controversies, Conundrum and Confusion in Female Sexual Medicine”, at 18th Congress of World Association for Sexual Health, April 15-19, 2007, Sydney , Australia.
- At The 19Th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, June 21- 25, 2009, speaker with paper: What Helps sexual arousal for 510 heterosexual men. Published at Abstract Book, Goteborg, Sweden. POA 1434 p.206.
- At The 19Th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, June 21-25, 2009, speaker with paper: Choices , expectations, and attitudes in sex initiation of 700 Brazilian Women. Published at Abstract’s book. Goteborg, Sweden, PO 1435, p. 206.
- At The 20Th WAS Worlds Congress for Sexual Health, June 12-16, 2011, speaker with paper :Questionnaire: what helps heterosexual female sexual arousal. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 8, supplement 3. Glasgow, UK (Nº 300) p. 158, 2011.
- At The 20th WAS Worlds Congress for Sexual Health, , June 12-16, 2011, speaker with paper : Initial seduction: women they say what they prefer. preliminary results. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 8, supplement 3. Glasgow, 2011. (Nº 536) p.217.
- Chair person in the Oral presentation 23: Social, Behaviroural & Historical research ( non-clinical) , At The 20th WAS Worlds Congress for Sexual Health, June 12-16, 2011, Glasgow, UK.
- Chair person in the Oral presentation 14: Ethics, principles, practices and issues ( all disciplines) and Miscellaneous. At The 20Th WAS World Congress for sexual Health , June 12-16,2011, Glasgow, UK.
- Moderator of the WAS Presidential Lecture: What is driving sexual desire ? in the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held from September 21st through 24th, 2013, Porto Alegre - Brazil.
- Moderator of the Plenary Session From pain to pleasure: the challenge of curing dyspareunia in the 3rd millennium in the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held from September 21st through 24th, 2013, Porto Alegre – Brazil.
- Speaker of Presidential Lecture New ideals, realities, and challenges in love in the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held from September 21st through 24th, 2013, Porto Alegre. Brazil.
- Coordinator of the SBRASH Symposium: Educational aspects of sexuality in the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held from September 21st through 24th, 2013, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Moderator of the Plenary Session: Sexual brain, sexual desire, sexual pleasure, and romantic love. Lessons from functional neuroimaging studies in the 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held from September 21st through 24th, 2013, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Presentation of poster Questionnaire: What hampers heterosexual male sexual arousal? In The 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, 2013, Porto Alegre.
- Presentation of poster Seduction strategies that motivate 438 women to want to date? in The 21st Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, 2013, Porto Alegre.
- Speaker about “Women: reflections on sexual violence” on Symposium SY 08 (FLASSES SYMPOSIUM), the 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held on July 25-28, 2015, in Singapore.
- Chair of FLASSES’s SYMPOSIUM: Persistence of various forms of expression of violence based on gender, age and functional diversity: a worrying social reality, the 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health that was held on July 25-28, 2015, in Singapore.
- Presentation of poster Young women’s feelings when buying male condoms, in 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, 2015, Singapore.
- Presentation of poster Which factors favor the use of male condoms without disturbing erotic climate and pleasure? In 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, 2015, Singapore.
B - Participation in National Commissions at Brazilian Congresses (SBRASH) :
- 1991: Scientific Commission of the 2nd Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality and the 1st Rio Grande do Sul State Meeting on Human Sexuality, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2001: Organizing Commission for the 8th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2003: Organizing Commission for the IX Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- 2005: Chairperson of the Special Commission for “SBRASH 2005 Prize” during 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2005: Chairperson of the Special Commission for “Abstracts” during 10th Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2007: Scientific Commission for the XI Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in Recife, Brazil.
- 2009: Scientific Commission for the XII Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
- 2011: Chair of Scientific Committee of XIII Brazilian Congress on Human Sexuality, Londrina , Brazil.
- 2015: Member Scientific Committee of XV Brazilian Congress of Human Sexuality and I Portugal-Brazil Meeting of Human Sexuality, 19 a 23 October, online, Brazil.
C - Scientific Works
- More than 80 works published in Scientific Journals, Magazines or Abstracts Books since 1987, contributing to generate knowledge on sexuality.
D- Guest at scientific meetings
- More than 260 participations as guest (speaker on panels, speaker on conferences, speaker and chairperson, chairperson), since 1986, in state, national and international scientific meetings about medicine and sexology.
- Address: Praça Dom Feliciano N° 26 sala 402. City: Porto Alegre.
- State: RGS. ZIP CODE: 90.020.160. Brazil.
- Phone Numbers: 55.51.3228.03.22 / Fax number: 55.51.3228.03.22
- e-mail address: jaqbrendler@terapiadosexo.med.br.